Rooted Change Consulting
Deepened Awareness.
Grounded Action.
Are you...
Seeking people you can talk with about the challenges you face as a leader? ​
Ready to contribute toward building a more just and equitable world, but not sure where to start or focus your efforts next?
Encountering painful barriers in your relationships where there are differences?
Wanting to ground this next exciting chapter of your precious life more authentically in your values and purpose?
Looking to expand your facilitation skills, toolkit and capacity for social change?
Is your team...
Wanting to expand your collective capacity to design, facilitate, and engage in inclusive, impactful, equity-minded meetings that are effective, healing, and fun?
Ready to develop a shared understanding of the ways systemic oppression is impacting your organization?
Challenged by conflict or disagreement and seeking support to move with and through it?
Struggling to put your organization's core values and vision into collective, effective, and aligned action and impact?
Creating small groups or communities to support learning and healing from systemic oppression?
Rooted Change Consulting
Deepened Awareness.
Grounded Action.
Rooted Change Consulting provides facilitation, coaching, training and consultation for individuals and organizations strengthening their social change efforts through collective learning, healing, relationship building, personal and organizational growth and deepened alignment, rooted in purpose and values.
What Clients Say
Facilitation & Training Client
Kathleen asks the best questions ever. She is one of the most inclusive, creative, and effective trainers I have ever worked with!
Non-Profit Leader &
Coaching Client
Kathleen is a thoughtful, conscious, and compassionate coach. She held space for me to work through the pain and trauma, to come out on the other side. I feel like my soul has been cleansed. I feel like I am me again. The process was not always joyful, but I felt held in the space of learning, reflection, and deeper understanding of my journey.
Coaching Client
Kathleen helped me unpack the emotions and social conditioning behind the issues I was struggling with and develop practical actions that felt so manageable.